Publicaciones Científicas

Quintana, Daniel; Marquez, Lorenzo ; Ramon Arevalo, Jose; Lorenzo, Antonio; Almansa, EduardoRelationships between spawn quality and biochemical composition of eggs and hatchlings of Octopus vulgaris under different parental dietsAQUACULTURE2015
Calaf, Gloria M.; Zepeda, Andrea B.; Castillo, Rodrigo L.; Figueroa, Carolina A.; Arias, Consuelo; Figueroa, Elia s; Farias, Jorge G.Molecular aspects of breast cancer resistance to drugs (Review)INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY2015
Peredo, Santiago F.; Parada, Esperanza ; Alvarez, Ricardo; Barrera, ClaudiaCutting vegetative propagation of Dasyphyllum diacanthoides, with endogenous resources. An agroecological approachBOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS2015
Montserrat Guerra, Maria; Henzi, Roberto; Ortloff, Alexander ; Lichtin, Nicole; Vio, Karin; Jimenez, Antonio J.; Dolores Dominguez-Pinos, Maria; Gonzalez, Cesar; Clara Jara, Maria; Hinostroza, Fernando; Rodriguez, Sara; Jara, Maryoris; Ortega, Eduardo; Guerra, Francisco; Sival, Deborah A.; den Dunnen, Wilfred F. A.; Perez-Figares, Jose M.; McAllister, James P.; Johanson, Conrad E.; Rodriguez, Esteban M.Cell Junction Pathology of Neural Stem Cells Is Associated With Ventricular Zone Disruption, Hydrocephalus, and Abnormal NeurogenesisJOURNAL OF NEUROPATHOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL NEUROLOGY2015
Alvarez-Gerding, Ximena; Espinoza, Carmen; Inostroza-Blancheteau, Claudio ; Arce-Johnson, PatricioMolecular and physiological changes in response to salt stress in Citrus macrophylla W plants overexpressing Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1APLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY2015
Segovia-Miranda, Fabian; Serrano, Felipe; Dyrda, Agnieszka; Ampuero, Estibaliz; Retamal, Claudio; Bravo-Zehnder, Marcela; Parodi, Jorge ; Zamorano, Pedro; Valenzuela, David; Massardo, Loreto; van Zundert, Brigitte; Inestrosa, Nibaldo C.; Gonzalez, AlfonsoPathogenicity of Lupus Anti-Ribosomal P Antibodies: Role of Cross-Reacting Neuronal Surface P Antigen in Glutamatergic Transmission and Plasticity in a Mouse ModelARTHRITIS & RHEUMATOLOGY2015
Olivares, Pamela; Orellana, Paola; Guerra, Guillermo; Peredo-Parada, Matias; Chavez, Viviana; Ramirez, Alfredo; Parodi, JorgeWater contaminated with Didymosphenia geminata generates changes in Salmo salar spermatozoa activation timesAQUATIC TOXICOLOGY2015
Michaelides, Sozos; Cole, Nik; Funk, Stephan M.Translocation retains genetic diversity of a threatened endemic reptile in MauritiusCONSERVATION GENETICS2015
Remy, D.; Chen, Y.; Froger, J. L.; Bonvalot, S.; Cordoba, L.; Fustos, J.Revised interpretation of recent InSAR signals observed at Llaima volcano (Chile)GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS2015
Bravo, Sandra; Vega, RolandoProceedings of the 4th National Conference of Aquaculture, ChileLATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Barile, Juan ; Escudero, Manuel; Carreno, Eriko; San Martin, DavidEffect of salinity on survival of embryos of jollytail Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Mardones, Alfonso ; Cordero, Rodrigo; Augsburger, Alberto; De los Rios-Escalante, PatricioDevelopment of algae Gracilaria chilensis silage for feeding red abalone Haliotis rufescensLATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Vega, Rolando ; Zamorano, Jose; Encina, Francisco; Mardones, AlfonsoEffect of calcium on acute toxicity of aluminum in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to different pH watersLATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Vega, Rolando ; Manuel Estrada, Juan; Ramirez, Diego; Flores, Camila; Zamorano, Jose; Encina, Francisco; Mardones, Alfonso; Valdebenito, Ivan; Dantagnan, PatricioGrowth of cusk eel Genypterus chilensis juveniles in culture conditionsLATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Trigo, P.; Merino, O.; Figueroa, E.; Valdebenito, I. ; Sanchez, R.; Risopatron, J.Effect of short-term semen storage in salmon (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on sperm functional parameters evaluated by flow cytometryANDROLOGIA2015
Valdebenito, Ivan I .; Gallegos, Patricia C.; Effer, Brian R.Gamete quality in fish: evaluation parameters and determining factorsZYGOTE2015
Saez, Patricia L.; Bravo, Leon A.; Latsague, Mirtha I.; Toneatti, Marcelo J. ; Coopman, Rafael E.; Alvarez, Carolina E.; Sanchez-Olate, Manuel; Rios, Darcy G.Influence of in vitro growth conditions on the photosynthesis and survival of Castanea sativa plantlets during ex vitro transferPLANT GROWTH REGULATION2015
Saez, Patricio; Borquez, Aliro; Dantagnan, Patricio; Hernandez, AdrianEffects of dehulling, steam-cooking and microwave-irradiation on digestive value of white lupin (Lupinus albus) seed meal for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)ARCHIVES OF ANIMAL NUTRITION2015
Carvallo, Pamela ; Carvallo, Eugenia; Coello, Rafael; del Sol, MarianoFibular muscles Long, Short... and Minimum. Why not?INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY2015
Fierro, Pablo; Bertran, Carlos; Mercado, Maritza; Pena-Cortes, Fernando ; Tapia, Jaime ; Hauenstein, Enrique ; Caputo, Luciano; Vargas-Chacoff, LuisLandscape composition as a determinant of diversity and functional feeding groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates in southern rivers of the Araucania, ChileLATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AQUATIC RESEARCH2015
Ubilla, Andrea; Fornari, Darci; Figueroa, Elias; Effer, Brian; Valdebenito, IvanShort-term cold storage of the semen of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) incorporating DMSO in the sperm diluent. Effects on motility and fertilizing capacityAQUACULTURE RESEARCH2015
Parodi, Jorge ; Ormeno, David; Ochoa-de la Paz, Lenin D.Amyloid pore-channel hypothesis: effect of ethanol on aggregation state using frog oocytes for an Alzheimer's disease studyBMB REPORTS2015
Figueroa, E.; Merino, O.; Risopatron, J.; Isachenko, V.; Sanchez, R.; Effer, B.; Isachenko, E.; Farias, J. G.; Valdebenito, I.Effect of seminal plasma on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sperm vitrificationTHERIOGENOLOGY2015
Jordana Rivero, M.; Anrique, R.Milk fat depression syndrome and the particular case of grazing cows: A reviewACTA AGRICULTURAE SCANDINAVICA SECTION A-ANIMAL SCIENCE2015
Alvarez-Gerding, Ximena; Cortes-Bullemore, Rowena; Medina, Consuelo; Romero-Romero, Jesus L.; Inostroza-Blancheteau, Claudio; Aquea, Felipe; Arce-Johnson, PatricioImproved Salinity Tolerance in Carrizo Citrange Rootstock through Overexpression of Glyoxalase System GenesBIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL2015
Rodriguez Beraud , Mario; Carrillo Lopez, Ruben; Chacon Fuentes, Manuel; Hormazabal Vasquez, Nelson; Tampe Perez, Jocelyne; Tighe Neira, RicardoIn vitro and ex vitro rooting of Ugni molinae Turcz. microshoots, a native species to ChileGAYANA BOTANICA2015
Velasquez, Alejandro ; Marnet, Pierre-Guy; Arias, RodrigoImprovement in nutritional quality of fibrous food via in vitro digestion by Aspergillus nigerCIENCIA E INVESTIGACION AGRARIA2015
Soto-Cerda, B. J.; Inostroza-Blancheteau, C .; Mathias, M.; Penaloza, E.; Zuniga, J.; Munoz, G.; Rengel, Z.; Salvo-Garrido, H.Marker-assisted breeding for TaALMT1, a major gene conferring aluminium tolerance to wheatBIOLOGIA PLANTARUM2015
Arias, R. A.; Catrileo, A.; Larrain, R.; Vera, R.; Velasquez, A.; Toneatti, M .; France, J.; Dijkstra, J.; Kebreab, E.Estimating enteric methane emissions from Chilean beef fattening systems using a mechanistic modelJOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE2015
Correa-Araneda, Francisco; Elisa Diaz, Maria; Ovalle, Katalina; Encina-Montoya, Francisco; Urrutia, Roberto; Figueroa, RicardoBenthic macroinvertebrate community patterns of Mediterranean forested wetlands and their relation to changes in the hydroperiodLIMNETICA2014
Inostroza-Blancheteau, Claudio ; Reyes-Diaz, Marjorie; Arellano, Alejandro; Latsague, Mirtha; Acevedo, Patricio; Loyola, Rodrigo; Arce-Johnson, Patricio; Alberdi, MirenEffects of UV-B radiation on anatomical characteristics, phenolic compounds and gene expression of the phenylpropanoid pathway in highbush blueberry leavesPLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY2014
Tapia, J.; Vargas-Chacoff, L.; Bertran, C.; Pena-Cortes, F.; Hauenstein, E .; Schlatter, R.; Valderrama, A.; Lizana, C.; Fierro, P.Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in sediments in Budi Lagoon, Araucania Region, ChileENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES2014
Moeller, Patricia; Munoz-Pedreros, AndresLegal protection assessment of different inland wetlands in ChileREVISTA CHILENA DE HISTORIA NATURAL2014
Effer, Brian R.; Sanchez, Ruben R.; Ubilla, Andrea M.; Figueroa, Elias V.; Valdebenito, Ivan I.Morphometric of blastomeres in Salmo salarZYGOTE2014
Funk, Stephan M .; Rusowsky, DanielaThe importance of cultural knowledge and scale for analysing internet search data as a proxy for public interest toward the environmentBIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION2014
Chihuailaf, Ricardo H.; Corti, PauloInterpretation of Plasma Selenium Data in Huemul: Response to Flueck et al.JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES2014
Pena-Cortes, Fernando ; Limpert, Carlos; Andrade, Elias; Hauenstein, Enrique ; Tapia, Jaime; Bertran, Carlos; Vargas-Chacoff, LuisDynamic geomorphology of the coast of La AraucaniaREVISTA DE GEOGRAFIA NORTE GRANDE2014
Calderon, Raul; Palma, Paulina; Parker, David; Escudey, MauricioCapture and accumulation of perchlorate in lettuce. Effect of genotype, temperature, perchlorate concentration, and competition with anionsCHEMOSPHERE2014
Navarro, Jorge M.; Gonzalez, Katerina ; Cisternas, Barbara; Lopez, Jorge A.; Chaparro, Oscar R.; Segura, Cristian J.; Cordova, Marco; Suarez-Isla, Benjamin; Fernandez-Reiriz, Maria J.; Labarta, UxioContrasting Physiological Responses of Two Populations of the Razor Clam Tagelus dombeii with Different Histories of Exposure to Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)PLOS ONE2014
Encina-Montoya, FranciscoEnvironmental risk assessment in Latin AmericaABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY2014
Silva, M.; Ulloa-Leal, C.; Norambuena, C.; Fernandez, A.; Adams, G. P.; Ratto, M. H.Ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) from seminal plasma origin enhances Corpus Luteum function in llamas regardless the preovulatory follicle diameterANIMAL REPRODUCTION SCIENCE2014
Solano, Jaime ; Acuna, Ivette; Esnault, Florence; Brabant, PhilippeResistance to Phytophthora infestans in Solanum tuberosum landraces in Southern ChileTROPICAL PLANT PATHOLOGY2014
Munoz-Pedreros, A .; Merino, C.Diversity of aquatic bird species in a wetland complex in southern ChileJOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY2014
Nunes-Nesi, Adriano; Brito, Danielle Santos; Inostroza-Blancheteau, Claudio ; Fernie, Alisdair R.; Araujo, Wagner L.The complex role of mitochondrial metabolism in plant aluminum resistanceTRENDS IN PLANT SCIENCE2014
Ortloff, Alexander ; Zanetti, Noelia; Centeno, Nestor; Silva, Ricardo; Bustamante, Felipe; Olave, AlvaroUltramorphological characteristics of mature larvae of Nitidula carnaria (Schaller 1783) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a beetle species of forensic importanceFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL2014
Esnault, F.; Solano, J .; Perretant, M. R.; Herve, M.; Label, A.; Pelle, R.; Dantec, J. P.; Boutet, G.; Brabant, P.; Chauvin, J. E.Genetic diversity analysis of a potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) collection including Chiloe Island landraces and a large panel of worldwide cultivarsPLANT GENETIC RESOURCES-CHARACTERIZATION AND UTILIZATION2014
Parodi, JorgeMotility, viability, and calcium in the sperm cellsSYSTEMS BIOLOGY IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE2014
De Los Rios-Escalante , Patricio; Salgado, Italo; Rauque, Carlos; Gonzalez, NoemitProbabilistic model for understand presence of Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846) (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalidae) on adults of a population of Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig 1835) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in southern ChileGAYANA2014
Tosti-Croce, Edoardo; Oses, Christopher; Ortloff, Alexander ; Carlos De La Fuente, JuanMorphological description and differentation of two instars of Oxelytrum lineatocolle larvae (Laporte, 1840) (Coleoptera: Silphidae)GAYANA2014
Jara-Seguel, Pedro ; Carcamo-Fincheira, Paz; Palma-Rojas, Claudio; von Brand, ElisabethChromosome number of two Chilean species of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae)GAYANA BOTANICA2014
Wagemann, C.; Wittwer, F.; Chihuailaf, R .; Noro, M.Prevalence of mineral imbalances in groups of dairy cows in the south of Chile: a retrospective studyARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA2014
Jerez, A.; Chihuailaf, R.; Gai, M.; Noro, M.; Wittwer, F.Detection of lasalocid and monensin in raw milk samples from supplemented dairy cowsARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA2014
Castillo, C. G.; Fredericksen, C.; Koch, R.; Sieverding, E.Effect of seed treatment with natural products on early arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of wheat by Claroideoglomus claroideumJOURNAL OF APPLIED BOTANY AND FOOD QUALITY2014
Romero-Mieres, Mario ; Gonzalez, Mauro E.; Lara, AntonioNatural recovery of the evergreen forest affected by clearcutting and burning in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve, ChileBOSQUE2014
Esse, Carlos ; Valdivia, Paulo; Encina-Montoya, Francisco; Aguayo, Carlos ; Guerrero, Marcela; Figueroa, DavidA multi-criteria model for mapping ecosystem services in forested watersheds, southern ChileBOSQUE2014
Esse, Carlos ; Donoso, Pablo J.; Gerding, Victor; Navarro, Celso; Encina-Montoya, FranciscoModelling dominant height and site index in different edaphoclimatic zones of Nothofagus dombeyi secondary forest in the Andes of south-central ChileSOUTHERN FORESTS2014
Carrasco, Sebastian; Hauenstein, Enrique; Pena-Cortes, Fernando ; Bertran, Carlos; Tapia, Jaime; Vargas-Chacoff, LuisRiparian vegetation quality evaluation of two coastal watersheds in southern Chile by applying QBR index as base for its territorial management and planningGAYANA BOTANICA2014
Latsague, Mirtha ; Saez, Patricia; Mora, MarielaEffect of the fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, on the foliar content of carbohydrates, proteins and photosynthetic pigments in plants of Berberidopsis corallina Hook.f.GAYANA BOTANICA2014
Hauenstein, Enrique; Pena-Cortes, Fernando ; Bertran, Carlos; Tapia, Jaime; Vargas-Chacoff, Luis; Urrutia, OdetteFloristic composition and evaluation of the degradation of the swampy coastal forest of temu-pitra in the Araucania Region, ChileGAYANA BOTANICA2014
Rojas-Lillo, Yesenia; Alberdi, Miren; Acevedo, Patricio; Inostroza-Blancheteau, Claudio; Rengel, Zed; de la Luz Mora, Maria; Reyes-Diaz, MarjorieManganese toxicity and UV-B radiation differentially influence the physiology and biochemistry of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum) cultivarsFUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY2014
Wagemann, C.; Wittwer, F.; Chihuailaf, R .; Noro, M.Reference intervals for blood markers of mineral balance for groups of dairy cows in the South of ChileARCHIVOS DE MEDICINA VETERINARIA2014
Rodriguez Beraud, Mario M.; Latsague Vidal, Mirtha I .; Chacon Fuentes, Manuel A.; Astorga Brevis, Pamela K.In vitro induction of callogenesis and indirect organogenesis from explants of cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf in Ugni molinaeBOSQUE2014
Rodriguez, Mario ; Chacon, Manuel; Carrillo, RubenThe effect of concentration and components of MS medium on in vitro germination of Ugni molinaeBOSQUE2014
Alarcon, David; Paredes, Marco; Ramos, Daniela; Gonzalez, Katerina ; Diaz, Ramiro; Nunez, DanielaAqueous and methanol extracts of Berberis darwinii H. (Berberidaceae) inhibit innate celular responses in human monocytes in vitro treatedBOLETIN LATINOAMERICANO Y DEL CARIBE DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES Y AROMATICAS2014
Chihuailaf, Ricardo H.; Stevenson, Valentina B.; Saucedo, Cristian; Corti, PauloBlood Mineral Concentrations in the Endangered Huemul Deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) from Chilean PatagoniaJOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES2014
Marquez, Lorenzo ; Fuentes, JuanIn vitro characterization of acid secretion in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) stomachCOMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY2014
Carmona E.R., Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Obando V., Rubio L., Marcos R.,Genotoxicity of copper oxide nanoparticles in Drosophila melanogaster2015Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Parodi J., Montecinos-Oliva C., Varas R., Alfaro I.E., Serrano F.G., Varas-Godoy M., Munoz F.J., Cerpa W., Godoy J.A., Inestrosa N.C.,Wnt5a inhibits K+ currents in hippocampal synapses through nitric oxide production2015Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience
Quintana D., Marquez L., Arevalo J.R., Lorenzo A., Almansa E.,Relationships between spawn quality and biochemical composition of eggs and hatchlings of Octopus vulgaris under different parental diets2015Aquaculture
Meier S., Curaqueo G., Khan N., Bolan N., Rilling J., Vidal C., Fernandez N., Acuna J., Gonzalez M.-E., Cornejo P., Borie F.,Effects of biochar on copper immobilization and soil microbial communities in a metal-contaminated soil2015Journal of Soils and Sediments
Alvarez-Gerding X., Espinoza C., Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Arce-Johnson P.,Molecular and physiological changes in response to salt stress in Citrus macrophylla W plants overexpressing Arabidopsis CBF3/DREB1A2015Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Michaelides S., Cole N., Funk S.M.,Translocation retains genetic diversity of a threatened endemic reptile in Mauritius2015Conservation Genetics
Olivares P., Orellana P., Guerra G., Peredo-Parada M., Chavez V., Ramirez A., Parodi J.,Water contaminated with Didymosphenia geminata generates changes in Salmo salar spermatozoa activation times2015Aquatic Toxicology
Godoy F.A., Miranda C.D., Wittwer G.D., Aranda C.P., Calderon R.,High variability of levels of Aliivibrio and lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal microbiota of farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.2015Annals of Microbiology
Ruiz J., Landeo L., Mendoza J., Correa J., Silva M., Ratto M.H.,In vitro developmental competence of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) and llama (Lama glama) oocytes after parthenogenetic activation2015Small Ruminant Research
Carmona E.R., Escobar B., Vales G., Marcos R.,Genotoxic testing of titanium dioxide anatase nanoparticles using the wing-spot test and the comet assay in Drosophila2015Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Remy D., Chen Y., Froger J.L., Bonvalot S., Cordoba L., Fustos J.,Revised interpretation of recent InSAR signals observed at Llaima volcano (Chile)2015Geophysical Research Letters
Trigo P., Merino O., Figueroa E., Valdebenito I., Sanchez R., Risopatron J.,Effect of short-term semen storage in salmon (Oncorhynchus mykiss) on sperm functional parameters evaluated by flow cytometry2015Andrologia
Calaf G.M., Zepeda A.B., Castillo R.L., Figueroa C.A., Arias C., Figueroa E., Farias J.G.,Molecular aspects of breast cancer resistance to drugs (Review)2015International Journal of Oncology
Vega R., Estrada J.M., Ramirez D., Flores C., Zamorano J., Encina F., Mardones A., Valdebenito I., Dantagnan P.,Growth of cusk eel Genypterus chilensis juveniles in culture conditions [Crecimiento de juveniles de congrio colorado Genypterus chilensisen condiciones de cultivo]2015Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Mardones A., Cordero R., Augsburger A., De Los Rios-Escalante P.,Development of algae Gracilaria chilensis silage for feeding red abalone Haliotis rufescens [Desarrollo del ensilado del alga Gracilaria chilensis para la alimentación del abalón rojo Haliotis rufescens]2015Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Floody P.D., Navarrete F.C., Barria M.C., Poblete A.O., Lizama A.C.,Nutritional condition of schoolchildren and their association with levels of fitness and cardiovascular risk factors [Estado nutricional en escolares y su asociación con los niveles de condición física y los factores de riesgo cardiovascular]2015Nutricion Hospitalaria
Vega R., Zamorano J., Encina F., Mardones A.,Effect of calcium on acute toxicity of aluminum in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to different pH waters [Efecto del calcio sobre la toxicidad aguda de aluminio en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) expuestos en aguas de diferente pH]2015Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Munoz G., Campos F., Salgado D., Galdames R., Gilchrist L., Chahin G., Andrade O.,Molecular identification of Botrytis cinerea, Botrytis paeoniae and Botrytis pseudocinerea associated with gray mould disease in peonies (Paeonia lactiflora Pall.) in Southern Chile2015Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia
Barile J., Escudero M., Carreno E., Martin D.S.,Effect of salinity on survival of embryos of jollytail Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842) [Efecto de la salinidad en la supervivencia embrionaria de puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)]2015Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Valdebenito V., Duran D.,Interaction forms involved in promoting reading comprehension strategies through a peer tutoring programme [Formas de interacción implicadas en la promoción de estrategias de comprensión lectora a través de un programa de tutoría entre iguales]2015Revista Latinoamericana de Psicologia
Carvallo E., Carvallo P., Coello R., Vasquez B.,Segment II of the liver, left lateral segment or left lateral posterior segment? [Segmento II del hígado ¿segmento lateral izquierdo o segmento posterior lateral izquierdo?]2015International Journal of Morphology
Beraud M.R., Lopez R.C., Fuentes M.C., Vasquez N.H., Perez J.T., Neira R.T.,In vitro and ex vitro rooting of Ugni molinae Turcz. microshoots, a native species to Chile [Enraizamiento in vitro y ex vitro de microtallos de Ugni molinae Turcz., una especie nativa de Chile]2015Gayana - Botanica
Rivero M.J., Anrique R.,Milk fat depression syndrome and the particular case of grazing cows: A review2015Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica A: Animal Sciences
Silva M., Fernandez A., Ulloa-Leal C., Adams G.P., Berland M.A., Ratto M.H.,LH release and ovulatory response after intramuscular, intravenous, and intrauterine administration of β-nerve growth factor of seminal plasma origin in female llamas2015Theriogenology
Tighe R., Leonelli G., Aliaga M., Rodriguez M.,Evaluation of gorse as green manure in the production of biomass and protein chard [Evaluación de espinillo como abono verde en la producción de biomasa y proteína de acelga]2015Idesia
De Los Rios-Escalante P., Hauenstein E., Acevedo P.,Daily variations in vertical distribution of crustacean zooplankton in a mountain lake (lake tinquilco, 39°S, araucania region) in Chile2015Crustaceana
Peredo S.F., Parada E., Alvarez R., Barrera C.,Cutting vegetative propagation of Dasyphyllum diacanthoides, with endogenous resources. An agroecological approach [Propagación vegetativa por estacas de Dasyphyllum diacanthoides mediante recursos endogenos. Una aproximación agroecológica]2015Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
Arias R.A., Catrileo A., Larrain R., Vera R., Velasquez A., Toneatti M., France J., Dijkstra J., Kebreab E.,Estimating enteric methane emissions from Chilean beef fattening systems using a mechanistic model2015Journal of Agricultural Science
Ubilla A., Fornari D., Figueroa E., Effer B., Valdebenito I.,Short-term cold storage of the semen of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) incorporating DMSO in the sperm diluent. Effects on motility and fertilizing capacity2015Aquaculture Research
Guerra M.M., Henzi R., Ortloff A., Lichtin N., Vio K., Jimenez A.J., Dominguez-Pinos M.D., Gonzalez C., Jara M.C., Hinostroza F., Rodriguez S., Jara M., Ortega E., Guerra F., Sival D.A., Den Dunnen W.F.A., Perez-Figares J.M., McAllister J.P., Johanson C.E., Rodriguez E.M.,Cell Junction Pathology of Neural Stem Cells Is Associated With Ventricular Zone Disruption, Hydrocephalus, and Abnormal Neurogenesis2015Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology
Ximena Araneda D., Jose Fernandez F., Daniza Morales U., Espejo J.,Insect pollination in clonal seed orchards of Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) Maiden, in region Biobío [Actividad polinizadora de insectos en huerto semillero clonal de Eucalyptus nitens(Deane et Maiden) Maiden, en región del Biobío]2015Idesia
Saez P., Borquez A., Dantagnan P., Hernandez A.,Effects of dehulling, steam-cooking and microwave-irradiation on digestive value of white lupin (Lupinus albus) seed meal for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)2015Archives of Animal Nutrition
Parodi J., Ormeno D., Ochoa-de la Paz L.D.,Amyloid pore-channel hypothesis: Effect of ethanol on aggregation state using frog oocytes for an Alzheimer's disease study2015BMB Reports
Alvarez-Gerding X., Cortes-Bullemore R., Medina C., Romero-Romero J.L., Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Aquea F., Arce-Johnson P.,Improved Salinity Tolerance in Carrizo Citrange Rootstock through Overexpression of Glyoxalase System Genes2015BioMed Research International
Fierro P., Bertran C., Mercado M., Pena-Cortes F., Tapia J., Hauenstein E., Caputo L., Vargas-Chacoff L.,Landscape composition as a determinant of diversity and functional feeding groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates in southern rivers of the araucanía, chile [Composición del paisaje como determinante de la diversidad y de grupos funcionales alimentarios de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en ríos de la Araucanía, Chile]2015Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
Segovia-Miranda F., Serrano F., Dyrda A., Ampuero E., Retamal C., Bravo-Zehnder M., Parodi J., Zamorano P., Valenzuela D., Massardo L., Van Zundert B., Inestrosa N.C., Gonzalez A.,Pathogenicity of lupus anti-ribosomal P antibodies: Role of cross-reacting neuronal surface P antigen in glutamatergic transmission and plasticity in a mouse model2015Arthritis and Rheumatology
Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Reyes-Diaz M., Arellano A., Latsague M., Acevedo P., Loyola R., Arce-Johnson P., Alberdi M.,Effects of UV-B radiation on anatomical characteristics, phenolic compounds and gene expression of the phenylpropanoid pathway in highbush blueberry leaves2014Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Esse C., Donoso P.J., Gerding V., Navarro C., Encina-Montoya F.,Modelling dominant height and site index in different edaphoclimatic zones of Nothofagus dombeyi secondary forest in the Andes of south-central Chile2014Southern Forests
Fernandez A., Ulloa-Leal C., Silva M., Norambuena C., Adams G.P., Guerra M., Ratto M.H.,The effect of repeated administrations of llama ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) during the peri-ovulatory period on corpus luteum development and function in llamas2014Animal Reproduction Science
Navarro J.M., Gonzalez K., Cisternas B., Lopez J.A., Chaparro O.R., Segura C.J., Cordova M., Suarez-Isla B., Fernandez-Reiriz M.J., Labarta U.,Contrasting physiological responses of two populations of the razor clam Tagelus dombeii with different histories of exposure to Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP)2014PLoS ONE
Gomez Aguilar A., Yague Guillen M.J., Villasenor Roman N.,Destination brand personality: An application to spanish tourism2014International Journal of Tourism Research
Alarcon D., Paredes M., Ramos D., Gonzalez K., Diaz R., Nunez D.,Aqueous and methanol extracts of Berberis darwinii H. (Berberidaceae) inhibit innate celular responses in human monocytes in vitro treated [Los extractos acuoso y metanólico de Berberis darwinii H. (Berberidaceae) inhiben respuestas celulares innatas en monocitos humanos tratados in vitro]2014Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales y Aromaticas
Rojas-Lillo Y., Alberdi M., Acevedo P., Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Rengel Z., Mora M.D.L.L., Reyes-Diaz M.,Manganese toxicity and UV-B radiation differentially influence the physiology and biochemistry of highbush blueberry (vaccinium corymbosum) cultivars2014Functional Plant Biology
Tosti-Croce E., Oses C., Ortloff A., De La Fuente J.C.,Morphological description and differentation of two instars of Oxelytrum lineatocolle larvae (Laporte, 1840) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) [Descripción morfológica y diferenciación de dos estados de desarrollo de la larva de Oxelytrum lineatocolle (Laporte 1840) (Coleoptera: Silphidae)]2014Gayana
Rodriguez M., Chacon M., Carrillo R.,The effect of concentration and components of ms medium on in vitro germination of Ugni molinae [Efecto de la concentración y de los componentes del medio de cultivo ms sobre la germinación in vitro de Ugni molinae]2014Bosque
Ortloff A., Zanetti N., Centeno N., Silva R., Bustamante F., Olave T.,Ultramorphological characteristics of mature larvae of Nitidula carnaria (Schaller 1783) (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), a beetle species of forensic importance2014Forensic Science International
Chihuailaf R.H., Corti P.,Interpretation of plasma selenium data in huemul: Response to Flueck et al2014Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Moller P., Munoz-Pedreros A.,Legal protection assessment of different inland wetlands in Chile2014Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Jerez A., Chihuailaf R., Gai M., Noro M., Wittwer F.,Detection of lasalocid and monensin in raw milk samples from supplemented dairy cows [Pesquisa de lasalocida y monensina en leche cruda de vacas lecheras suplementadas con estos ionóforos]2014Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria
Rodriguez Beraud M.M., latsague Vidal M.I., Chacon Fuentes M.A., Astorga Brevis P.K.,In vitro induction of callogenesis and indirect organogenesis from explants of cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf in Ugni molinae [Inducción in vitro de callogénesis y organogénesis indirecta a partir de explantes de cotiledón, hipocótilo y hoja en Ugni molinae]2014Bosque
Asem A., Eimanifar A., Djamali M., De los Rios P., Wink M.,Biodiversity of the hypersaline urmia lake national park(NW Iran)2014Diversity
Rozas-Vasquez D., Pena-Cortes F., Geneletti D., Rebolledo G.,Scenario modelling to support strategic environmental assessment: Application to spatial planning of coastal wetlands in la Araucanía region, Chile2014Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management
Pereira D., Mansur M.C.D., Duarte L.D.S., de Oliveira A.S., Pimpao D.M., Callil C.T., Ituarte C., Parada E., Peredo S., Darrigran G., Scarabino F., Clavijo C., Lara G., Miyahira I.C., Rodriguez M.T.R., Lasso C.,Bivalve distribution in hydrographic regions in South America: Historical overview and conservation2014Hydrobiologia
Wagemann C., Wittwer F., Chihuailaf R., Noro M.,Reference intervals for blood markers of mineral balance for groups of dairy cows in the South of Chile [Intervalos de referencia en parámetros sanguíneos indicadores del balance mineral para grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de Chile]2014Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria
Munoz-Pedreros A.,Environmental education in Chile, a pending task2014Ambiente e Sociedade
Esse C., Valdivia P., Encina-Montoya F., Aguayo C., Guerrero M., Figueroa D.,A multi-criteria model for mapping ecosystem services in forested watersheds, southern chile [Modelo de análisis espacial multicriterio (AEMC) para el mapeo de servicios ecosistémicos en cuencas forestales del sur de Chile]2014Bosque
Solano J., Acuna I., Esnault F., Brabant P.,Resistance to Phytophthora infestans in Solanum tuberosum landraces in Southern Chile2014Tropical Plant Pathology
Effer B.R., Sanchez R.R., Ubilla A.M., Figueroa E.V., Valdebenito I.I.,Morphometric of blastomeres in Salmo salar2014Zygote
Funk S.M., Rusowsky D.,The importance of cultural knowledge and scale for analysing internet search data as a proxy for public interest toward the environment2014Biodiversity and Conservation
Olivares P., Valenzuela G., Tuemmers C., Parodi J.,Description of parasites in faecal samples collected in plazas of downtown Temuco, Chile [Descripción de parásitos presentes en muestras fecales recolectadas en plazas del sector céntrico de la ciudad de Temuco, Chile]2014Revista de Investigaciones Veterinarias del Peru
Zuniga A.H., Munoz-Pedreros A.,Food habits of Puma concolor (Carnivora, Felidae) in fragmented forests in southern Chile [Hábitos alimentarios de Puma concolor (Carnivora, Felidae) en bosques fragmentados del sur de Chile]2014Mastozoologia Neotropical
Correa-Araneda F., De Rios P.L., Habit E.,Presence of the red jollytail, Brachygalaxias bullocki (Regan, 1908) (Galaxiformes: Galaxiidae), in freshwater forested wetlands from Chile2014Revista Chilena de Historia Natural
Guerra-Bugueno E., Celis-Mosqueira F., Moreno-Garcia N.,Effect of planting density on the profitability of Eucalyptus globulus plantations [Efecto de la densidad de plantación en la rentabilidad de plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulus]2014Revista Chapingo, Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente
Correa-Araneda F., Diaz M.E., Ovalle K., Encina-Montoya F., Urrutia R., Figueroa R.,Benthic macroinvertebrate community patterns of Mediterranean forested wetlands and their relation to changes in the hydroperiod2014Limnetica
Avilez R. J.P., Meyer R. J.,Conjugated linoleic acid transfer (CLA) from raw milk to powdered milk and condensed milk [Transferencia del ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) de la leche cruda a leche en polvo y condensada]2014Revista Chilena de Nutricion
Latsague M., Saez P., Mora M.,Effect of the fertilization with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, on the foliar content of carbohydrates, proteins and photosynthetic pigments in plants of Berberidopsis corallina Hook.f [Efecto de la fertilización con nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, sobre el contenido foliar de carbohidratos, proteínas y pigmentos fotosintéticos en plantas de Berberidopsis corallina Hook.f]2014Gayana - Botanica
Calderon R., Palma P., Parker D., Escudey M.,Capture and accumulation of perchlorate in lettuce. Effect of genotype, temperature, perchlorate concentration, and competition with anions2014Chemosphere
Duran X.A., Saavedra S.C., Bravo M.R., Gutierrez M.M.,Formulation and physicochemical evaluation of vinegars produced from murta (ugni molinae turcz.) and maqui (aristotelia chilensis (molina) stunz) with bees’ honey (apis mellifera L.) At Laboratory scale [Formulação e avaliação físico-química de vinagres de murta (ugni molinae turcz.) e maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (molina) stunz) com mel de abelhas (apis mellifera L.) em escala de laboratório]2014Boletim Centro de Pesquisa de Processamento de Alimentos
De Los Rios-Escalante P., Munoz-Pedreros A., Moller P.,A null model to study community structure of microcrustacean assemblages in north patagonian urban wetlands (39-41°S, chile)2014Crustaceana
Silva M., Ulloa-Leal C., Norambuena C., Fernandez A., Adams G.P., Ratto M.H.,Ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) from seminal plasma origin enhances Corpus Luteum function in llamas regardless the preovulatory follicle diameter2014Animal Reproduction Science
Romero-Mieres M., Gonzalez M.E., Lara A.,Natural recovery of the evergreen forest affected by clearcutting and burning in the Valdivian Coastal Reserve, Chile [Recuperación natural del bosque siempreverde afectado por tala rasa y quema en la Reserva Costera Valdiviana, Chile]2014Bosque
Tapia J., Vargas-Chacoff L., Bertran C., Pena-Cortes F., Hauenstein E., Schlatter R., Valderrama A., Lizana C., Fierro P.,Accumulation of potentially toxic elements in sediments in Budi Lagoon, Araucania Region, Chile2014Environmental Earth Sciences
Parodi J.,Motility, viability, and calcium in the sperm cells2014Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine
Nunes-Nesi A., Brito D.S., Inostroza-Blancheteau C., Fernie A.R., Araujo W.L.,The complex role of mitochondrial metabolism in plant aluminum resistance2014Trends in Plant Science
De Los Rios-Escalante P., Rueda T.,Crustaceans in freshwater bodies in a coastal protected area (41°S, katalapi park, Chile)2014Crustaceana
Fernandez A., Ulloa-Leal C., Silva M., Norambuena C., Adams G.P., Guerra M., Ratto M.H.,The effect of repeated administrations of llama ovulation-inducing factor (OIF/NGF) during the peri-ovulatory period on corpus luteum development and function in llamas2014Animal Reproduction Science
Chihuailaf R.H., Stevenson V.B., Saucedo C., Corti P.,Blood mineral concentrations in the endangered huemul deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) from Chilean Patagonia2014Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Mansilla A., De Los Rios-Escalante P.,On the geographic distribution of boeckella brevicaudata (brady, 1875) (copepoda, calanoida) and its species associations in seasonal ephemeral pools in the magallanes region (53°s, Chile)2014Crustaceana
De los Rios-Escalante P., Quinan E., Acevedo P.,Inland water microcrustacean assemblages in an altitudinal gradient in Aysen Region (46°S, Patagonia Chile) [Crustáceos zooplâncton de águas continentais litorales na gradiente de altitude na região de Aysén (46 °S, Patagônia Chile)]2014Brazilian Journal of Biology
Marquez L., Fuentes J.,In vitro characterization of acid secretion in the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) stomach2014Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - A Molecular and Integrative Physiology
Wagemann C., Wittwer F., Cliiliuailaf R., Noro M.,Prevalence of mineral imbalances in groups of dairy cows in the south of Chile: A retrospective study [Estudio retrospectivo de la prevalencia de desbalances minerales en grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de Chile]2014Archivos de Medicina Veterinaria
De Los Rios-Escalante P., Acevedo P.,Crustaceans in four pristine north patagonian andean shallow ponds (parque tagua tagua, 41s, chile)2014Crustaceana
Jara-Seguel P., Carcamo-Fincheira P., Palma-Rojas C., Von Brand E.,Chromosome number of two Chilean species of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae) [Número cromosómico de dos Especies Chilenas de Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae)]2014Gayana - Botanica
Hauenstein E., Pena-Cortes F., Bertran C., Tapia J., Vargas-Chacoff L., Urrutia O.,Floristic composition and evaluation of the degradation of the swampy coastal forest of Temu-Pitra in the Araucanía Region, Chile [Composición florística y evaluación de la degradación del bosque pantanoso costero de Temu-Pitra en la región de La Araucanía, Chile]2014Gayana - Botanica
Carrasco S., Hauenstein E., Pena-Cortes F., Bertran C., Tapia J., Vargas-Chacoff L.,Riparian vegetation quality evaluation of two coastal watersheds in southern Chile by applying QBR index as base for its territorial management and planning [Evaluación de la calidad de vegetación ribereña en dos cuencas costeras del sur de Chile mediante la aplicación del índice QBR, como base para su planificación y gestión territorial]2014Gayana - Botanica
Araneda Duran X., Quezada Mardones I., Martinez Gutierrez M., Morales Ulloa D.,Total polyphenols in bee bread (Apis mellifera L.) from hives the araucanía region [Polifenoles totales en pan de abeja (Apis mellifera L.) de colmenas de la región de la araucanía]2014Idesia
De Los Rios-Escalante P., Italo S., Carlos R., Noemit G.,Probabilistic model for understand presence of Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846) (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalidae) on adults of a population of Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig 1835) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in southern Chile [Modelo probabilistico para comprender la presencia de Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846) (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalidae) en una población adulta de Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig 1835) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) en el sur de Chile]2014Gayana
Araneda X., Velasquez C., Morales D., Martinez I.,Bee bread production (Apis mellifera L.) under laboratory conditions [Producción de pan de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) bajo condiciones de laboratorio]2014Idesia
Munoz-Pedreros A., Merino C.,Diversity of aquatic bird species in a wetland complex in southern Chile2014Journal of Natural History
RODRÍGUEZ BERAUD, MARIO; CARRILLO LÓPEZ, RUBÉN; CHACÓN FUENTES, MANUEL; HORMAZÁBAL VÁSQUEZ, NELSON; TAMPE PÉREZ, JOCELYNE; TIGHE NEIRA, RICARDOEnraizamiento in vitro y ex vitro de microtallos de Ugni molinae Turcz., una especie nativa de ChileGayana. Botánica2015
Carvallo, Eugenia; Carvallo, Pamela; Coello, Rafael; Vásquez, BSegmento II del Hígado ¿Segmento Lateral Izquierdo o Segmento Posterior Lateral Izquierdo?International Journal of Morphology2015
Araneda D, Ximena; Fernández F, José; Morales U, Daniza; Espejo, JaimeActividad polinizadora de insectos en huerto semillero clonal de Eucalyptus nitens (Deane et Maiden) Maiden, en Región del BiobíoIdesia (Arica)2015
Tighe, Ricardo; Leonelli, Gina; Aliaga, Macarena; Rodríguez, MarioEvaluación de espinillo como abono verde en la producción de biomasa y proteína de acelgaIdesia (Arica)2015
Barile, Juan; Escudero, Manuel; Carreño, Eriko; San Martín, DavidEfecto de la salinidad en la supervivencia embrionaria de puye Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1842)Latin american journal of aquatic research2015
Mardones, Alfonso; Cordero, Rodrigo; Augsburger, Alberto; De los Ríos-Escalante, PatricioDesarrollo del ensilado del alga Gracilaria chilensis para la alimentación del abalón rojo Haliotis rufescensLatin american journal of aquatic research2015
Vega, Rolando; Zamorano, José; Encina, Francisco; Mardones, AlfonsoEfecto del calcio sobre la toxicidad aguda de aluminio en alevines de trucha arcoiris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) expuestos en aguas de diferente pHLatin american journal of aquatic research2015
Vega, Rolando; Estrada, Juan Manuel; Ramírez, Diego; Flores, Camila; Zamorano, José; Encina, Francisco; Mardones, Alfonso; Valdebenito, Iván; Dantagnan, PatricioCrecimiento de juveniles de congrio colorado Genypterus chilensis en condiciones de cultivoLatin american journal of aquatic research2015
Velásquez, Alejandro; Marnet, Pierre-Guy; Arias, RodrigoImprovement in nutritional quality of fibrous food via in vitro digestion by Aspergillus nigerCiencia e investigación agraria2015
Carvallo, Pamela; Carvallo, Eugenia; Coello, Rafael; del Sol, MarianoMúsculos Fibulares Largo, Corto... y Mínimo: ¿Por qué no?International Journal of Morphology2015
Fierro, Pablo; Bertrán, Carlos; Mercado, Maritza; Peña-Cortés, Fernando; Tapia, Jaime; Hauenstein, Enrique; Caputo, Luciano; Vargas-Chacoff, LuisLandscape composition as a determinant of diversity and functional feeding groups of aquatic macroinvertebrates in southern rivers of the Araucanía, ChileLatin american journal of aquatic research2015
Rodríguez Beraud, Mario; Morales Ulloa, DanizaEfecto de la densidad de explantes y el volumen de medio de cultivo sobre la multiplicación in vitro de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) variedades Brigitta y LegacyScientia Agropecuaria2015
Rodríguez Beraud, Mario Marcelo; Morales Ulloa, Daniza MinervaEfecto de mallas sombreadoras sobre la producción y calidad de frutos de arándano (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cv. BrigittaScientia Agropecuaria2015
Avilez R, Juan Pablo; Meyer R, JorgeTransferencia del ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) de la leche cruda a leche en polvo y condensadaRevista chilena de nutrición2014
Tighe-Neira, Ricardo; Leonelli-Cantergiani, Gina; Montalba-Navarro, René; Cavieres-Acuña, Carolina; Morales-Ulloa, DanizaCaracterización de compost a base de espinillo en relación a la norma chilena Nº2880Agronomía Mesoamericana2014
Quintriqueo M., Segundo; Quilaqueo R., Daniel; Torres, HéctorContribution for the teaching of natural sciences: Mapuche and school knowledgeEducação e Pesquisa2014
JARA-SEGUEL, PEDRO; CÁRCAMO-FINCHEIRA, PAZ; PALMA-ROJAS, CLAUDIO; VON BRAND, ELISABETHChromosome number of two Chilean species of Nothofagus (Nothofagaceae)Gayana. Botánica2014
DE LOS RIOS-ESCALANTE, PATRICIO; SALGADO, ITALO; RAUQUE, CARLOS; GONZALEZ, NOEMITProbabilistic model for understand presence of Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846) (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalidae) on adults of a population of Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig 1835) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) in southern ChileGayana (Concepción)2014
TOSTI-CROCE, EDOARDO; OSES, CHRISTOPHER; ORTLOFF, ALEXANDER; DE LA FUENTE, JUAN CARLOSDescripción morfológica y diferenciación de dos estados de desarrollo de la larva de Oxelytrum lineatocolle (Laporte 1840) (Coleoptera: Silphidae)Gayana (Concepción)2014
Araneda, Ximena; Velásquez, Carmen; Morales, Daniza; Martínez, IsabelProducción de pan de abejas (Apis mellifera L.) bajo condiciones de laboratorioIdesia (Arica)2014
Muñoz-Pedreros, AndrésLa educación ambiental en Chile, una tarea aún pendienteAmbiente & Sociedade2014
Peña-Cortés, Fernando; Limpert, Carlos; Andrade, Elías; Hauenstein, Enrique; Tapia, Jaime; Bertrán, Carlos; Vargas-Chacoff, LuisDinámica geomorfológica de la costa de La AraucaníaRevista de geografía Norte Grande2014
Alarcón, Paola; Díaz, Claudio; Tagle, Tania; Ramos, Lucía; Quintana, MarcelaMetáforas para profesor y estudiante de pedagogía, en un grupo de estudiantes de pedagogía chilenosActualidades Investigativas en Educación2014
Solano, Jaime; Acuña, Ivette; Esnault, Florence; Brabant, PhilippeResistance to Phytophthora infestans in Solanum tuberosum landraces in Southern ChileTropical Plant Pathology2014
Zúñiga, Alfredo H; Muñoz-Pedreros, AndrésHábitos alimentarios de Puma concolor (Carnivora, Felidae) en bosques fragmentados del sur de ChileMastozoología neotropical2014
CARRASCO, SEBASTIÁN; HAUENSTEIN, ENRIQUE; PEÑA-CORTÉS, FERNANDO; BERTRÁN, CARLOS; TAPIA, JAIME; VARGAS-CHACOFF, LUISEvaluación de la calidad de vegetación ribereña en dos cuencas costeras del sur de Chile mediante la aplicación del índice QBR, como base para su planificación y gestión territorialGayana. Botánica2014
LATSAGUE, MIRTHA; SÁEZ, PATRICIA; MORA, MARIELAEfecto de la fertilización con nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, sobre el contenido foliar de carbohidratos, proteínas y pigmentos fotosintéticos en plantas de Berberidopsis corallina Hook.f.Gayana. Botánica2014
HAUENSTEIN, ENRIQUE; PEÑA-CORTÉS, FERNANDO; BERTRÁN, CARLOS; TAPIA, JAIME; VARGAS-CHACOFF, LUIS; URRUTIA, ODETTEComposición florística y evaluación de la degradación del bosque pantanoso costero de temu-pitra en la Región de La Araucanía, ChileGayana. Botánica2014
Escalona-Ulloa, Miguel Antonio; Peña-Cortés, Fernando Andrés; Rebolledo-Castro, Gonzalo Daniel; Basso-Aldea, Pío Iván AntonioCambios en la organización económico-espacial de la fruticultura en territorios de La Araucanía, ChileEconomía, sociedad y territorio2014
Guerra-Bugueño, Emilio; Célis-Mosqueira, Fabián; Moreno-García, NormanEfecto de la densidad de plantación en la rentabilidad de plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulusRevista Chapingo. Serie ciencias forestales y del ambiente2014
De los Ríos-Escalante, Patricio; Quinán, Esteban; Acevedo, PatricioInland water microcrustacean assemblages in an altitudinal gradient in Aysen region (46° S, Patagonia Chile)Brazilian Journal of Biology2014
Araneda Durán, Ximena; Quezada Mardones, Ingrid; Martínez Gutiérrez, María; Morales Ulloa, DanizaPolifenoles totales en pan de abeja (Apis mellifera L.) de colmenas de la Región de La AraucaníaIdesia (Arica)2014
Tighe Neira, Ricardo; Montalba Navarro, René; Leonelli Cantergiani, Gina; Contreras Novoa, AliroEfecto de dos extractos botánicos en el desarrollo y contenido de polifenoles de ají (Capsicum annuum L.)Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas2014
Araneda, Ximena; Quilamán, Elisa; Martínez, María; Morales, DanizaElaboración y evaluación de jugo de maqui (Aristotelia chilensis (Mol.) Stuntz) por arrastre de vaporScientia Agropecuaria2014
Esse, Carlos; Valdivia, Paulo; Encina-Montoya, Francisco; Aguayo, Carlos; Guerrero, Marcela; Figueroa, DavidModelo de análisis espacial multicriterio (AEMC) para el mapeo de servicios ecosistémicos en cuencas forestales del sur de ChileBosque (Valdivia)2014
Möller, Patricia; Muñoz-Pedreros, AndrésLegal protection assessment of different inland wetlands in ChileRevista chilena de historia natural2014
Wagemann, C; Wittwer, F; Chihuailaf, R; Noro, MEstudio retrospectivo de la prevalencia de desbalances minerales en grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de Chile: a retrospective studyArchivos de medicina veterinaria2014
Jerez, A; Chihuailaf, R; Gai, M; Noro, M; Wittwer, FPesquisa de lasalocida y monensina en leche cruda de vacas lecheras suplementadas con estos ionóforosArchivos de medicina veterinaria2014
Wagemann, C; Wittwer, F; Chihuailaf, R; Noro, MIntervalos de referencia en parámetros sanguíneos indicadores del balance mineral para grupos de vacas lecheras en el sur de ChileArchivos de medicina veterinaria2014
Rodríguez Beraud, Mario M; Latsague Vidal, Mirtha I; Chacón Fuentes, Manuel A; Astorga Brevis, Pamela KInducción in vitro de callogénesis y organogénesis indirecta a partir de explantes de cotiledón, hipocótilo y hoja en Ugni molinaeBosque (Valdivia)2014
Rodríguez, Mario; Chacón, Manuel; Carrillo, RubénEfecto de la concentración y de los componentes del medio de cultivo MS sobre la germinación in vitro de Ugni molinaeBosque (Valdivia)2014